
2. May 2018
3D MicroPrint GmbH integrates SAMPL
3D MicroPrint GmbH achieves a big milestone in the SAMPL research project.
For the first time we show the fundamental suitability of the innovative security solution in our machines.

13. April 2018
Boston Scientific and 3D MicroPrint announce collaboration
High precision 3D micro metal part manufacturer collaborates successfully with world leading manufacturer of medical technology.

10. April 2018
3D MicroPrint GmbH welcomes Indian guests
3D MicroPrint GmbH welcomed a delegation of 13 business representatives from India on March 21, 2018.

29. March 2018
3D MicroPrint GmbH wishes you a Happy Easter

8. March 2018
3D MicroPrint GmbH as exhibitor at the 2nd Additive Manufacturing Forum 2018 in Berlin
As a specialist in the production of micro metal parts through a patented and continuously optimized micro laser sintering technology, 3D MicroPrint has emerged with its expertise as unique selling proposition during the entire exhibition.